I Thought I Would Be Nervous In Front Of The Camera
Ms M shares some thoughts after her session about the experience and her reasons for doing it.
-Have you ever done a boudoir shoot before? If so, how does your shoot with Studio E compare to your prior experience?
I have not, it’s something I always wanted to do and felt like I couldn’t for a variety of reasons (wasn’t happy with my body, my ex-spouse wouldn’t have liked it, money, etc).
-Why did you do your boudoir shoot?
I wanted to celebrate FINALLY feeling free to do what I want, when I want. In my teens, my Dad’s alcoholism had him saying very hurtful things that ultimately I allowed to damage my self-worth/self-confidence. I later married someone who was a narcissist who used gaslighting as a way to manipulate me into changing the way I viewed myself. My Dad died in 2017, I asked for a divorce that same year, and it was finally finalized in February of 2020. This experience was a celebration of breaking the chains that I felt was weighing me down.
-What was your favorite part of the session?
It’s hard to pick a favorite part, just like it was hard to pick which pictures I wanted to keep. I think the reveal shocked me the most. I wasn’t expecting to like the pictures so much!
-What did doing this shoot do for your self confidence, self worth, and self image? Tell us your story.
My lovely boyfriend is constantly complimenting me and building me up. It is hard to accept compliments, or see myself the way he sees me. These images made me see myself in a different light. I actually felt “sexy” for the FIRST time in my life! I finally feel like I truly love myself inside & out.
-Was your experience what you were expecting? If not, how was it different?
Not at all. I thought I would be nervous in front of the camera, and I wasn’t at all. Julie was excellent in guiding me with what to do. Even if I wasn’t great at taking direction, she would literally demonstrate if need be.
-What was the best part of your experience? Would you change anything?
It’s hard to pick a best part. I loved it all!
This experience is what we provide to every client and is life-changing in so many ways. Let us know when you are ready for yours.